Saturday, October 29

Adult Halloween Costumes

Some people need full-length mirrors....... 

People want the truth... Until, it's about them. That's the moment you become a rude person.

There is a mother that I have known for several years who was a "bigger" girl at one point in her life. No problem with me... I'm a big girl and I'm okay with it.

Well, this mother dropped a ton of weight really really fast. (not very natural, but I'm happy for her) I, myself, have been taking the slower... More healthy road with my weight loss.

Last night I saw her at a trunk-r-treat that my best friend and I had taken all of our kids too. Dear Lord... She looked awful! I don't even know what her costume was supposed to be? But gross... It was two very small pieces of that cheap plastic-like fabric, it exposed her mid-drift. And the skirt! If she would have bent over she would have been showing us her underpants...

The thing was so small that my 10-year-old could have worn it. (if I allowed her to look like that) This little two-piece outfit was made for a high school girl's body.

I know that people become proud of themselves when they lose a bunch of weight... I'm happy with my own progress, but I will always be a mom. As mother's, we are the role models for our daughters. If we dress like street walkers... Even on Halloween... That sticks with them.

I want my girls to be able to walk into a room and get more attention because they are confident in who they are! Not because of how little they wear and how much makeup they can smear on their faces.

I truly believe sexy can be achieved without exposing too much skin or behaving poorly in front of your kids. Confidence is one of the sexiest things in the world! That's what I teach my girls... I am very confident in who I am so they can see just how it should look.

There were other mothers out there who were dressed up and looked very cute! As I was watching my kids and people around me. I noticed others watching this mother and giving her nasty looks. I wanted to tell her, maybe you should change, but I know her attitude...

I knew she would just say we were all jealous of her... No, thank you. The only way I would be jealous of her is if I wanted to lose weight faster, but I prefer to take the tortoise's route to the finish line. I'm happier doing it this way too!

I have to say some of the other mothers looked cute! I saw the queen of hearts, her costume was extremely well put together! My favorite one of the night was a whole family who were dressed up like the Flintstones. They were one of the "trunks" participating at the event and they were just adorable!

As the evening went on I started looking at all the kids running around and noticed that almost every little girl's costume was purple? Even my big girl, who was dressed as a hippy, and my ladybug who went as a witch were purple. Purple ruled this Halloween!

My best friends little girl was Minnie mouse this year and Oh My Goodness! She was so darn cute! Our three girls didn't need a mirror. They were just adorable! Plus, Minnie mouse was pink. I loved it!

I hope you all have a safe Halloween!


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