Tuesday, November 15

Bad Choices

Tired of peoples shit.

Sometimes you get twisted up in others lives and drama. It's life. You can't avoid it, even if you try. Just when you think you're going to stay out of it for the most part. You get slapped right in the face with a fresh turd. Well... When you have something to say about it, they act like children.

No big ass surprise there! Most people don't like being told they aren't worth a shit. I have never been one to care about other's feelings. I just say what has to be said.

My daddy always said I need to learn how to be nice about being an ass...

When I was about 13, there was this woman who walked her kids to school every day. It seemed like we had to pass her smelly ass daily. I told my mom about her smell... Mom always said to be nice.

That didn't last long after we got stuck standing by her at my brother's school one day. I just looked at her and asked if she ever took a bath because she smelt like the bottom of a fish barrel.

OOOPS!! I had to tell my daddy what I had done. That was hard because he had just told me not to say anything about the woman or her smell. I had to apologize to her, but that didn't go well either...

My mouth always has this magical way of spilling truths at the wrong time. Well, daddy just took me home. On the way, I sat very still and quiet thinking he was angry. Out of nowhere, a burst of laughter came from my dad. I looked up at him... Thinking he had lost his mind. When he stopped the car and turned to me. Only to say how bad she smelt.

We were both laughing so hard. Then, my daddy gave me a hug. He said we still had to tell mom how bad it went, but I knew that was going to be okay for me. It wasn't okay for dad, though... Mom yelled at him for not being able to hold his tongue. Didn't matter much, momma never stayed mad long.

Back to my rant about certain ass munch's that cry about their lives to god and everyone who will half ass listen. Now, that I raise a valid point about them crying and having people stick up for them. Yet, not sticking up for themselves to me only prove my point... I don't like cry babies.

Unless it's an actual baby, but this person was grown. So grown, that they tried hurting my feelings by unfriending me on Facebook... That's laughable, at best. I have never met people who couldn't keep their shit together like this person.

Bless his little heart... I wish him all the best. God knows they will need it on the course of life they have chosen, at the moment.

To all that want to make changes in your life... Think about how it affects everyone in your life. Before you make a selfish choice that destroys everything.

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