Friday, October 21

I Hate You.....

These are the words, I love to hear from my girls' room. 

No. Calm down... They don't have the balls to say that to me yet. That's just how loving exchanges between two sisters goes in my house. Mom asked them to clean their room. Dear Banana Chips!... You would think I dropped a mega spider in the middle of them and walked away.

They create 1000 reasons why not to be in the bedroom. There are so many other things they could be doing. Oh, look this coloring book I got two Christmas' ago needs to be colored in right now. Where are my colors? 

45 minutes later. Here they are... But where is that coloring book now? Oh well, "MOM Big Head is throwing my stuff away."

"No, I'm not she is lying. I didn't touch anything, Mom."

Well, as the mom, I know she is full of ham and cheese. I was watching the whole time. She didn't even know I was there. These girls must think I was born last night... They don't think I ever see anything. Please...

They are doing things I already pulled on my parents. Been there, done that. It's funny, watching it from my mom and dad's perspective. Makes you want to yell, "Be original, this has already been done!"

In just a matter of minutes, they are back to squabbling all over again. You would think at some point, they would grow tired of the whole thing and give it a rest. But, no... Of course not.

They keep it going, till your ready to hang them by their toes in the front yard. Like a warning sign for all the other kids in the neighborhood. What a stupid law... No hanging kids by their toes. (Note to whomever: I think that law sucks). 

I must say, when they think I'm completely pissed off... They work really hard to get their room cleaned. It ends up looking really nice. Sometimes, it's cool to be the mom. (Note to self: ask your mom if this is how she felt when you were a kid?)  

Some days... I think I'm going to run away... Find a beach, and learn to drink... But then the responsible adult in me comes out and I snap out of it. Grab my stuff, take a relaxing shower, then go to bed.

Someday I will listen to my inner child, but not today.

Well folks, the adult in me must start some kind of dinner for my family to eat before they go mad. That's never a very pretty thing to see around here.

Till next time.....

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