Friday, October 7

Mom, Don't Forget Tonight!

How can I ever forget? 

At what age does mommy start to lose her memory? I feel like I must be at that age... Not only did my loving daughter remind me four times last night about her fundraiser. A fundraiser which we are forced to volunteer for, otherwise she will be disqualified from the program.

As soon as her feet hit the floor this morning she I was immediately being reminded of my required attendance. Holy banana chips! The teacher herself sent me at least 10 emails... 10 emails!

This is for my little girl and it's something she really wants to do so, of course, I will show up and do all I can for her and the school, but at the same time, this is a bit much. Especially, with this being the first benefit, feel free to send me reminders when we're five months in. After you start seeing me getting lazy or something.

My silly girl is ready to take over the world, but not without her lip gloss and earrings.

Dinner tonight was fast, I made chicken tacos. Sorry, no pictures tonight. I was too busy running errands. My daughter had tutoring after school that nobody reminded me about. Had to take a trip to the bank to deposit some money that nobody reminded me about. Ended up having to go get my husband from work before picking up my daughter from tutoring. Who knows... At this rate, I may make it another year all by myself, without anybody reminding to age. I know funny, funny.

I love driving with my girls... The windows down. The music up. My littlest one dances and acts silly with me. No care about who might possibly be watching us. Not big sister... Nope, she is easily embarrassed. Little sister and mom enjoy it, maybe a tad too much. Myself, I don't give a flying banana who can see or hear me. I will break out in song and dance in the middle of the store just as unashamed as I would inside my jeep. Life is just too short!

Well, we made it to our destination! The fundraiser that is... On time, like always. I hate to be late plus its bad manors. Once I'm inside and find the other ladies, it's not that bad. They are really nice, I can put up with them. One mom is almost like me, which made me laugh. Bad for the teacher who will have to deal with us throughout this entire program, but what do we care. Her problem, not ours.

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